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3 Tips to Beating the Odds

At the end of my junior year at UC, a diving accident left me a quadriplegic. In spite of that, the life I have led since 1991 is far more abundant and joyful than I ever could have imagined. How can that be? I discovered that the ability to face life's challenges exists within each of us. Here's what works for me:

1. Positive attitude. I don't look at what I lost, but what I still have to live for. I choose to become better, not bitter; to try my best; and to be thankful for blessings: physical progress, family, friends, a home, a free country and the opportunity to fulfill my dreams.

I was certain that God had a plan for my life, and I determined to work hard in therapy to use my life to serve him. I finished my college education, graduated magna cum laude and walked across the stage with the help of crutches to receive my University of Cincinnati diploma.

2. Perseverance. I want to live this one life well. Facing my fears. Never giving up. Not feeling sorry for myself. With patient, continuous effort, even when that is difficult. I have raced in nine marathons as a wheelchair athlete. Each time I began, I knew my arms, shoulders and back would be in pain for four or five hours, pushing my chair for 26.2 miles. But I made a commitment to finish, and finish I would.

3. Faith. When my world was ripped out from under me, I had something great to hold on to: my relationship with God. I knew that he loved me, that he would never leave me, that I was valuable because I was made in his image. And He was still a good God. He didn't let me get hurt as a punishment. I knew he had a plan for my life, and I was going to honor him with it.

(Written by Stacy James for UC Horizons magazine, 2003.)

© 2003 by Stacy James

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